
Thursday 21 November 2019

Athletics Day

Today 21/11/2019 we had athletics at Glenbrae school and did a 200meter sprint,High jump,shock port,discus, and a relay. All the years in glenbrae had to take part in the event. When Mrs Mardodiki set up the 200 meter sprint,and Mrs Atuahiva did the High jump,Mrs Tofa did Shock port, Mr Nath did the Discus, and Mrs Raj did the Relay.

Some of the room 7 year eights did a tuck shop for the kids that bring money for a fundraiser. On lunch time and morning tea time. Or they could eat their own lunches. Parents and other little toddlers came to watch their Brothers or Sisters take part in the Athletics.

I liked the Athletics because it was fun to run with friends and see whos faster. Or throw the farest on the field with a discus or a shock port. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Iki, this is a great recount about Thursday. I like how you have included the events of the day. You are also very detailed in explaining the teacher and their different activities for athletics. Keep up the good work Iki. I am proud of you.


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