
Thursday 21 November 2019

Athletics Day

Today 21/11/2019 we had athletics at Glenbrae school and did a 200meter sprint,High jump,shock port,discus, and a relay. All the years in glenbrae had to take part in the event. When Mrs Mardodiki set up the 200 meter sprint,and Mrs Atuahiva did the High jump,Mrs Tofa did Shock port, Mr Nath did the Discus, and Mrs Raj did the Relay.

Some of the room 7 year eights did a tuck shop for the kids that bring money for a fundraiser. On lunch time and morning tea time. Or they could eat their own lunches. Parents and other little toddlers came to watch their Brothers or Sisters take part in the Athletics.

I liked the Athletics because it was fun to run with friends and see whos faster. Or throw the farest on the field with a discus or a shock port. 

I was trapped

One day I was walking home from school when suddenly ,I felt an eerie pain in my stomach like something was going to happen. My stomach was right because as i was walking I stopped near the dairy because a large pit bull was in front of Me.l was in a standoff with a dog.

The dog wouldn't stop looking at me, so I was gonna walk around to the other side of the foot path when an old man came out of a small rusty old garage, and said to me if I wanted a ride home in his rusty old car. I was shocked and looked straight at the mans face and said 'no i'm alright' as i swallowed the saliva in my mouth.

Then i thought to myself i'm trapped between an old man and a large female pitbull. I knew the dog owner was the old mans. So I stood there for a good 5 minutes and the man said ‘you can come in my garage, I have lots lollies’. Then he invited Me into his house. When all of a sudden the dog started barking at Me and I started to get even more scared. Because Im really afraid of dogs.

I saw my neighbors walking down the footpath going to the basketball courts. I walked fast across to them and told them if i could come to the courts. I told them about what had happened. And when i got home i told my parents.

Monday 11 November 2019

Smart Footprint

Being a Positive Footprint. Thinking about what i post and not posting inappropriate things Online
Sending bad photos,Messages. And contacting people you dont know and protecting your Online privacy. It is also important to report inappropriate comments and block people you feel uncomfortable with.   
Image result for smart footprint"

Treasure map Maths problem

Today I did a problem including a treasure map. First I had to put four big rocks in four squares in the east side. And put three trees down the South side. And found were the treasure was from my map i made.